Your Healing Journey

Your healing journey begins and belongs with you.

You already know what’s troubling you, where life feels difficult or painful. You already know where you keep bumping into the same stories, the same patterns, the same behaviours. But perhaps you’ve struggled to understand why? Unfortunately, often when we don’t understand why we start to assume it must be us that is wrong, is must be us that is broken somehow. But there is nothing wrong with you, there is only what’s happened to you, in this life time, in your past lives, through your ancestors and your interpretation of the collective experience of humanity. All of these influences create ideas, assumptions and beliefs within us that affect how we experience life.

By turning your gaze inward, fully exploring, understanding, accepting and embracing the very depths of who you are, and releasing all that you are not…. we can allow the healing needed to build you a life of fulfilled happiness and connection.

This experience is deeply introspective and that might sometimes feel vulnerable and uncomfortable. Be assured that you have chosen an experienced and educated healer to support and guide you through this unique journey. There will be deep cathartic healing, big releases, utter joy and clarity of vision - allowing you to walk away with a powerful understanding of what is means to live life in your fullest expression!

  • Identity

    Together we peel away the stories and scripts you’re running that have seeped into your energy and present themselves as fact, as part of who you are.

    This focussed and intentional journey will help you understand how the beliefs and stories we carry are so often ideas passed down to us though our families or assumptions formed as children.

    As we clear pathways you will discover more of yourself, uncover the rejected and hidden parts of you. In doing so you will embrace your life with a new clarity and awareness.

  • Integrity

    Creating boundaries for yourself from the stifling pressure of family, work and society in general can be a very real struggle. Together we will define your key values and your non-negotiables. Any stories that won’t allow you to deeply care for yourself, understand yourself, love yourself will be addressed.

    We will be working toward exploration and awareness of wholeness, that comes from owning who you are, having a deep compassion and love for yourself and others whilst maintaining healthy boundaries.

  • Intuition

    The Energy Always Leads! The presence you bring to your life and the care you give yourself is essential in providing you with connection, clarity and confidence.

    Throughout our time together I will teach you how to feel into your energy, how to listen and trust the wisdom that lives within you. We will develop your internal energy compass by addressing concepts of trust and faith in yourself.

    You will learn how to attune yourself to what you need and allow yourself to act on it. I’ll also share the insightful and intuitive tools I use daily that can help you maintain that close connection to yourself.


You will also automatically be enrolled in the Aligned Life meditation group and offered preferrential discounts to my co-hosted retreats. Whoop!!